Thursday, November 19, 2009
Coming soon to a mail box near you……..
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The SAGA(News) Continues……..
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Convention over: Back to Normal
Nearly a week has passed since the 2009 SAGA National Convention in Indianapolis ended. So I hope all of those who attended have found their way back home safely and have now had time to unpack; do many loads of laundry; tidy up after the family; and finish their class projects? Of course, some of you have been able to do all of those afore mentioned items, but many of you, I know, will have projects left to complete weeks, days, months and dare I say it years from now? But didn't you have the best time acquiring those new Unfinished Objects?
The end of convention is always sad as we have to say good bye to our friends, our sisters-in-sewing and to the great teachers whose skills we are trying to learn, but then the excitement starts to build again as you get to plan the trip to the next SAGA convention, September 22-26 at the Marriott Waterside, Norfolk, Virginia. If this year was your fist time at a convention (and I did hear one lady say she had been a SAGA member for over 20 years and this was her first convention!) I hope that you have the bug. Many find that once they have made it through that first time (leaving the family, traveling alone, being away from more than one night) they just have to make it an annual event. I know I enjoy seeing familiar faces as I tour the classes each day.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday Already?
Where does the time go? I can't believe we are only a day and half away from the end of this convention. It has been a busy few days and what with classes and events, time just flies by.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The fun continues……
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
SAGA’s 30th Anniversary Convention Begins
Convention started with the two pre-day classes, one with Sue Stewart (a machine class) and the other Regina Walter (handwork). Both classes were hard at work each time I popped in to take photos and although the projects won't be completed, the ladies will have a good grasp of the techniques being taught. It was so good to see lots of familiar faces and also some new ones.
Today as I visited each classroom in turn to drop off copies of the Convention Times I was greeted by even more friends from previous years which is a great thing. I attended the First Time Attendees meeting last night and there were many 'newbies' present. A lot had driven from areas around Indianapolis and this is why we hold the Conventions in as many areas as possible-it means members have a chance to attend one near to where they live. At the meeting each of the board members gave a short speech about the events at convention and the Region Representatives introduced themselves. Several committee chairs explained their area of SAGA and we hope that they all feel welcome.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The fun is starting!
So Monday is nearly over and people started arriving and I have seen lots of familiar faces around in the hotel lobby as well as in the mall. Several of my personal friends arrived so it has been fun to catch up with them. It is amazing how many have driven here this year and the cars are loaded with everything but the kitchen sink it seems. It does make it easier to take classes that involve a sewing machine if you drive, but then again we have had the chance to rent machines for the last few years, which is a great idea, especially if there is only one machine class you want to take.
Registration was open this evening for a couple of hours to let those taking the pre-day classes pick up their registration packets and goodie filled tote bags. They also got their meal tickets for the days they are taking classes (don't forget these need your name on the back for the chance to win a door prize). Hospitality will open sometime tomorrow and that will be a great place to catch up with everyone. I know lots of boxes have been arriving, so I know there will be many great raffle baskets calling my name!
The hotel being attached to the mall makes it easy to get a snack, meal or just have a walk about. There is also Wi-Fi access in the mall as well as the hotel lobby areas. So for those that can't keep away from the computer and the Internet that is a good thing (especially for the SAGANews Blogger!)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I’m in Indy!
I arrived in Indianapolis safely with both of my flights leaving and arriving on time. My luggage made it here intact too, so I was happy. The Indianapolis airport is very new and easy to navigate. I found baggage claim with no problems and then went to area at the bottom of the central escalator in baggage claim where the SAGA driver from Above and Beyond Limo service stood with my name on a board. I think the board will just say SAGA from tomorrow onwards. We walked through to the Ground Transportation area and got into his white van. The journey to the hotel took about 30 minutes, but it was a Sunday afternoon, so a weekday may take a little longer, although it is highway all the way until you come off for the hotel. The hotel has two towers, one regular rooms, the other suites. I have a suite and it is very comfortable and quite large. Everything is clean and I think my roommates will be happy when they arrive tomorrow afternoon.
I visited the mall attached to the hotel via a walkway on the second floor. It is quite large and boosts a Cheesecake factory really close to the escalators near the hotel entrance, as well as other eateries. As I wandered around I spotted a smocked lampshade in the window of Pottery Barn Kids and a smocked dress in the window of Janie and Jack. Do you think they know we are in town? I also found a cheese shop with a great supply of fresh cheeses from Europe and the US. It also sells wines, but these could not be purchased on Sundays (shame).
While you are in Indy, if you have time the Children's Museum has an exhibit on with relics from the tomb of King Tutankhamun. I think it would be worth the trip if you have time (Friday once you have been to market might work). The museum has free parking. The museum can be found at 3000 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208-4716 · 317-334-3322
Special Exhibit Hours for Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs
Now–October 25, 2009
Friday–Saturday: 9 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
Sunday–Thursday: 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m. (open on Mondays for School Groups only)
Final two weeks of the exhibit: (daily) 10 a.m.–6:30 p.m.
First and Third Thursday of each month: 10 a.m.–8 p.m.
Leaving for Indianapolis
My bag was packed on Friday afternoon as I had two birthday parties to attend Saturday a 5th and a 50th. Did not get to bed until midnight and then was up at 5:30 am, so I hope I catch up on lost sleep tonight as after that there will be no time to sleep!
I wish all of you who are attending a safe trip and see you soon at the SAGA 30th Anniversary Convention and those whoare unable to attend-watch this space!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Convention Countdown
So, this time next week those of you taking pre-day classes will be in class and having fun! The hotel will be starting to fill up with excited ladies meeting each other again after a few days, weeks, months and years of not seeing each other and getting ready to enjoy some serious sewing experiences (as well as a good few non-sewing ones too).
I met up with a friend from another state last week as she is driving to Indy and offered to take some things for me. Her car will be full with all the things she is taking-herself, another friend, luggage for two, sewing machines (she is taking another friends machine also), boxes of things for SAGANews and the Artisan chair, raffle items and bottles of water and those are only the thing I know about! Now to ask me if this friend is excited is a silly question-she can't wait. She says this is like when she was younger and went to summer camp and met up with the same friends year after year. Convention gets you like that. You get on a high being with other people who understand exactly what you are talking about –bullions is not referring to gold; roll and whip is not some form of torture (although some may beg to differ); three-step trellis has nothing to do with training garden plants and SAGA is not a) a type of blue cheese, b) a long story, c) an travel organization for senior citizens (that is for the people from the UK reading this).
I am sure that this week is a busy one for those of you who will be heading to Convention as you make sure that your family has everything they need to survive without you and you double check that list of sewing supplies required for classes as well as plan what to take in the way of clothing. Maybe you haven't been able to find an essential item for class but don't worry as someone is bound to have enough to share with you and the teacher will most likely have the hard-to-find item with her too. As long as you have most of the things you need and you remember to pack those, you will manage.
Remember too that Convention is your time to do something for you and you need to think about the great classes you are taking; the new techniques you will learn; the new friends you will make and plan to make the most of being amongst people who love smocking, heirloom sewing and embroidery as much as you do.
See you very soon, I hope and those who aren't able to join us this year, I will Blog as often as I can so you can enjoy a virtual Convention as you plan a way to attend a Convention another time.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Some Final Hints and Information for Convention Attendees
So, Convention draws ever closer and I am sure you are getting excited, worried or nervous depending on whether or not you have been to Convention before. Those of you who have been many times will have your own routines and I am sure some of you have started those little piles of things in the sewing or spare bedroom. You know the ones- 'I am going to need this, this and this for my classes' and 'that, that and that to wear'. And these piles grow and grow and then you have to pack and depending on whether you are driving-'hey it can all go including the kitchen sink' or flying-'heck how many pairs of shoes can I wear in a week?' Some of you will be writing and rewriting lists (and I come into that category) which is where the computer comes in handy as you can save the lists and change them as the mood takes you. Then you move onto making the piles from the lists and the 'hey' and 'heck' happens as things never look that much on the computer screen or a sheet of paper! So to start you off with a list, here is one you can add to as needed, but contains the things you might/will actually need:
Final reminder list
- Personal items (clothing, wash bag, etc)
- Phone (and charger unit)
- Essential sewing supplies
- Class requirements
- Kit fees
- Name tag (recycle one from a previous year or make one) First Time attendees will receive one.
- Notebook and pens
- Extension cord
- Magnification device (glasses, clip on etc)
- Portable light
- Sewing Machine (with power cord, foot peddle, needles and presser feet)
- Artisan card
- Design Show entry
- Show and Share pieces (up to 3)
- Camera (and spare batteries; charger; memory cards)
- Wee Care
- Address labels
- Chapter/business raffle basket
- Proxy forms from chapter members not attending Convention
- Shopping List for Market
- Shopping Bag for Market
- Plenty of energy!
To help with what clothing to pack, think that 90% of the time you will be indoors, either in the hotel, in the mall or in a restaurant. You will need to be comfortable while you are in class and sometimes the classes can be cool (especially if you are under the A/C vent). You might want to pack a sweater or pashmina to cover this eventuality. You will need comfortable shoes as you will have to walk between your room, the elevator and the classrooms, plus to the meal rooms and of course, around market for hours and hours! Then there is banquet which is a more dressy event and if you are going to be in the Design Show or Artisan Achiever's photo, you know you want to look your best. You may want to remember to pack your PJ's especially if you are sharing a room. The hotel has a pool, but will you find time to use it?
If you are flying to Indy, please take time to look at your airlines luggage policies regarding weight allowances and charges for baggage. So many are charging for the first bag these days and the weight limit is 50 lb. If you do on line check in, you might save yourself $5 by checking your bag at the same time. Remember that you need to allow for a heavier case going back as you will have the kits, handouts, purchases from market and all those raffle basket contents! Also please remember not to put valuable items in your checked luggage (camera, jewelry) and also no alkaline batteries. Then you also have to remember not to have your sewing scissors in your hand luggage. You can visit the TSA website ( for up-to-date lists of all the permitted/ banned items.
As name tag holders are not being provided this year (except to First Time Attendees), if you have any from previous SAGA Conventions that you are willing to part with, you could bring those with you and hand them in at Hospitality. They will be able to give them to anyone who needs one and you can feel good for being 'green' by recycling them.
In case you don't have anything to work on during the masses of free time you have during Convention(!), you can always pick up a Wee Care bonnet or blanket kit to stitch. These items will be available in Hospitality and the kit will contain all that is needed to complete the project. The kits are made by the members of the Delphi Forum Heirloom Sewing and Smocking Board ( Once completed, the item will get you another special Wee Care raffle ticket.
While at Convention you might also bump into the SAGANews
Editor, Julie Stilwell. She will be taking photos and talking to people all week getting items of interest to use in future issues of the magazine. Julie will also be producing a daily newsletter, The Convention Times that you will find in Hospitality and in each classroom. The newsletter will list the daily events, meals and items of interest. So if you see Julie (and I am absolutely positive you will) remember to say 'hello' and if you have something you would like to see in SAGANews or you have an article or project you want to share with your fellow SAGA members, let Julie know!
Some links you may find useful:
SAGA- for a copy of the Proxy form (SAGANews Vol 30 #3)
Indianapolis Visitor Information:
Indianapolis International Airport:
Indianapolis Sheraton Hotel and Suites:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September is National Sewing Month
As an aside to talk about Convention, did you know that September is National Sewing month? Well on September 21, 1982, at the request of the American Home Sewing & Craft Association, an industry and trade association supporting the sewing and craft industries, President Ronald Reagan, under Proclamation #4976, declared September as National Sewing Month "In recognition of the importance of
home sewing to our Nation." More proclamations were made in the following years, naming September as national Sewing Month. You can read the full documents on the American Presidency Project website at
You can also read more about National Sewing Month on this website:
And don't forget that SAGA says February is National Smocking Month. Maybe you could plan to have a public demonstration of smocking at your local library or arrange to have a display case featuring your chapter and smocking? I know most libraries have areas for public displays and it is free publicity. Time to start planning as before you know it, February will be here!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Events at Convention Part 4
Don't forget you need to be back in class for 2:00 PM. Oh! And lunchtime today is your last chance to buy or place any -the drawing is tonight at Banquet!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Events at Convention Part 3
Today you h
Business Meeting over, the Wee Care presentation to representatives from
After classes end the events that are planned for Thursday evening be
If this wasn’t enough, there is also the Teachers Showcase to view. Here you can see examples of the SAGA approved classes offered by the wonderful teachers and also get to see some new classes they are planning to offer. Now is your chance to get their contact information for that workshop your chapter plans to host soon (and don’t forget you might be able to get a SAGA grant to help defer the cost).
All that talent and inspiration in one area is overwhelming, but it is so good to see that smocking and the related needle arts are being kept alive.
The last thing to do Thursday evening before you head off to enjoy some free time (or bed), is to pick up your entries from both Design Show and Show and Share by 9:00PM.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Events at Convention Part 2
Next it is off to your first class! The teachers and classroom locations will be in the on-site brochure and there will be signs outside each room indicating the teachers name and that days class. Couldn’t be easier, right? Please try and arrive at least 10 minutes before the start time of the class in order to get set up. Once in the classroom, you will need to find somewhere to sit and of course you want to be with your friends but remember, we are all friends at Convention. You need to locate the Teachers Angel to give her your kit fee (all ready in that labeled envelope) and she will give you your kit and any handouts. Then you just need to arrange yourself and your required sewing items comfortably and wait for class to begin!
As an aside here, please remember some classroom etiquette:
· Arrive early
· Have your kit fee ready –correct change or check made payable to the teacher.
· No eating/drinking
· No smoking
· Turn off your cell phone and put it on vibrate. If you receive a call, please leave the room to take it.
· No children or pets in the classrooms.
· Please be respectful of the teachers and your fellow class mates.
· Please refrain from wearing strong perfumes, as classrooms are small and many people suffer allergies.
· Please keep your neighborly chatter to a minimum.
You are so engrossed in your class that you are surprised to find out it is time for luncheon. This is when you need to have your Wednesday meal ticket with your name on the back ready to hand in at the lunch location. Tickets are usually collected by a Board member and these are your entry into the Door Prize Drawing for that day. The door prizes are called at various times throughout the meal and you must be present to collect it. A good reason not to leave the lunch too early! Door prizes can be anything from a pattern to a pair of scissors; from a collection of magazines to a collection of fabrics and fun to win whatever you get!
Tables in the lunch room usually seat between 8-10 people and of course, you want to sit with someone you know and seats do get saved, which is fine. If you are a First Time Attendee, you may not have friends to sit with, but don’t worry, there is usually a table especially marked for you so you can join other First Timers and make friends. If you are a First Timer but have friends you want to sit with, that is alright too. Where ever you sit you will be amongst friends.
(Again I will mention that if you have a food allergy or special diet requirement, please notify Terry Campbell as soon as possible so she can make sure you have something to eat-see the previous post).
Wednesday lunch also sees us enjoy a guest speaker and this year it will be Regina Madory Walter who is going to lecture on Christening Gowns, their history, styles and materials. It should be a great talk and I personally hope she has lots of pictures and samples to share.
Luncheon over and it is back to the classroom for more work on your projects before the next event of the day which will be the Region Meetings. Each SAGA Region Representative hosts a half hour meeting for members from her region. Here various issues are discussed, people in the same region get to meet each other and someone is nominated to represent the region on the Nominating Committee. This is an important job and to be nominated you must be a SAGA member and have served in some capacity on the board for your chapter. You will then be the person who co-ordinates the nominations from your region for the next SAGA board and you will liaise with the Nominating Committee Chair. Please think about volunteering to take on this essential job. You are helping SAGA in doing so.
Region Meetings over, it is on to the next meeting, that being the Artisan Meeting. If you are in the Artisan Programme, you should attend the meeting as Kim Gimblette, the Artisan chair will be discussing any changes to the programme as well as answering any general questions you may have. If you are not in the programme, but want to learn more about it, then attend the meeting. (You can find out more about the programme before Convention from the SAGA web site Kim will also be presenting this years Artisan Achievers with their award certificates and bars for their pins. Did you pass a level (or two) this year? Then you don’t want to miss this meeting. (If you have a very specific question concerning the programme, Kim will be available at the Artisan Help Desk held on Friday during Market).
Artisan meeting over and now time is your own to enjoy a meal with your friends or visit the Hospitality room to buy raffle tickets or just hang out. Don’t forget to try and get some sleep as you have another busy day ahead of you on Thursday!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Daily Events at Convention Part 1
Besides attending classes what else happens at Convention? Well, lots of things happen. In fact it is hard to find time to do the things you want to do (work on the new stitch you just learned; finish your Design Show entry; grab a meal with your friends or even get some sleep). Every day there is something to see or do.
Convention starts officially on Wednesday, but are you taking a pre-day class on Tuesday? If so, you need to be there at least by Monday evening. Even if you are not taking a pre-day class, you may still want to arrive a day (or two) early to get the time to find your way around the hotel; hang out with your friends and generally relax a little before the main event begins.
Tuesday starts with the pre-day classes and lunch for those attending the classes. Many Convention attendees will arrive during the day and what fun it is to see friends that you only get to see once a year. Lots of hellos and hugs-the lobby is never quiet! Hospitality should be open sometime during the day for you to pick up your registration packets (remember no name tag holders this year, so bring your own!). Your registration packet will contain all of your meal tickets (if your name has not been printed on the back, please write it on as these are used for the door prize drawings); your class schedule and onsite Convention brochure. The onsite brochure will have classroom information and locations, as well as details of the events for each day.
A note here from Terry Campbell, Meetings Chair about meals. Terry says that if anyone is vegetarian or has a diet issue (for medical reasons only) like gluten free, allergic to peanuts, diabetic, etc. They should email her at Please put "SAGA special diet needs" in the subject line. The sooner Terry knows about this the better. Please don’t leave it until the first luncheon!
Hospitality is also a good place to arrange to meet friends as they arrive, or l
Tuesday also sees the start of meetings and planned events the first of which is the Teachers Angel Meeting starting at 5 PM. Did you check the box on your registration form saying you would like to be a Teachers Angel? (You will have a reminder in your registration package if you have been chosen as angel). If you are a Teachers Angel, and are able to attend the meeting, please do so as you will learn what your duties will be. Teachers Angels are very important as they help with taking class attendance, taking kit fees and giving out the kits as well as running any urgent errands for missing supplies.
As if those two meetings were not enough the evening continues with the Welcome Reception. Here you get to meet even more friends old and new as well as the SAGA Board and Committee Chairs and the all important faculty. This is a good time to mingle and socialize.
Welcome reception over and you are free for the rest of the evening before Convention really begins with classes on Wednesday morning. This may be your last chance to get out of the hotel for a meal with your friends, unless of course, you still have to finish your Design Show entry so it is ready to hand in by 8:30 Wednesday morning……..
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Convention-Some Timely Tips
I just thought I would put some timely reminders and helpful hints your way in case you are a First Time Attendee or even a regular attendee. We all need reminders sometimes, right?
First things first and that is an up-coming deadline- August 1, 2009 is when your Design Show entry form and fee(s) should have been received . That doesn’t mean that your entries have to be completed (or even started) by that date, just that your intention to enter should be registered by way of submitting the entry form and fee(s). Once you have completed that task, then you can actually start the project and as long as it is completed in time to hand in on the morning of the entry collection at Convention, then you can be stitching the last bullion while waiting for the elevator.
Next of course the really important things to remember, after registering for SAGA National Convention 2009, are book your hotel room and make your return travel arrangements.
Now some little reminders to make life easier while you are at Convention:
1. This year SAGA will not be giving out name tag holders. So, either bring one you received at a previous Convention or alternatively make one to suit your needs (Robin Hart has created and donated a great pattern and it is available on the SAGA website
2. You might also want to bring a tote bag to carry everything in or a favourite sewing bag or even a bag on wheels (especially good for all those supplies you will be buying at market).
3. Wheels for your sewing machine are a good thing too- they are heavy to carry from your room to a classroom. If you are bringing your own machine, please remember to pack the power cord and foot pedal as well as spare needles your presser feet! Better yet, why not rent a machine? (See the SAGA web site for more information).
4. A couple of other items that make life easier are a power extension cord and magnification to use when sewing. Maybe a spare pair of reading glasses if you use them?
6. Talking of raffle baskets, don’t forget your chapter basket –it can’t be won if you forget to bring it (or arrange to have it mailed ahead of time. See the next issue of SAGANews Volume 30 #3 for the address to mail it to).
7. Consider making a folder and having some plastic page protectors in it. You can use these to keep the class handouts, Artisan card,small kits, kit fee envelopes and other items you want to keep safe, but handy.
8. Have your kit fees in an envelope, one for each class, labeled with the class name, teachers name and your name. This helps you as you will not need to receive change or have to use cash from your purse and also helps the Teachers Angel, as she will have the correct money and know who it is from. Most teachers accept checks, which you can also have ready and in your kit fee envelope if you prefer that method to pay for your kits.
9. A very important item if you are already enrolled in the Artisan Program, is your Artisan card. Of course you can get the teacher to sign and date each class handout, but it is far better to have them sign your actual Artisan card. If you are not in the Artisan Program, you will have the chance to sign up while you are at Convention and you will find temporary cards in each classroom to use until you receive your official card. (For more information on the Artisan Program and to sign up in advance of attending Convention, please visit the SAGA website
order something required, so best not to leave to until the last minute. You might also get to buy something you need on sale if you have made a list ahead of time and take it with you when visiting a local sewing store or on-line site. Any money saved is a good thing-more to spend at Market!
11. Also especially helpful is to check if any of your classes require some pre-class preparation, like pleating a piece of fabric with 24 rows and back smocking all of them before class!
12. Plan on making a Wee Care gown, cap, bonnet or blanket for donation to the collection at Convention. You get a special ticket to put into the drawing for the Wee Care basket and only tickets received for Wee Care donations can be entered into that drawing. The more Wee Care donations you make, the more special tickets you receive (which can also be used in the regular raffle baskets if you wish).
13. Don’t forget your 30th Anniversary Pearls, Perles, Purls Contest entry. This is anything smocked, fine hand or machine sewn or embroidered that will fit into one cubic foot of space (a box 12’’x12’’x12’’).
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
SAGANews Blogs!
We plan to use the Blog to keep you informed about events and happenings in the world of SAGA and SAGANews. So keep visiting to see what is going on, you don't want to miss out on anything.
We will also be Blogging from SAGA National Convention (September 30 to October 4 2009). Those Blogs will show some of the days events and photos to include everyone in the fun. No need to miss out because you can't be there. You can also get a taste of Convention if you have never been and hopefully you will like what you see and want to attend next year.
Watch this Blog for more information soon!