Okay, so now we are even nearer to SAGA National Convention and hopefully you have started to gather the items suggested in the last Blog (or at least thought about it)? Maybe you are also starting to write down all those things the family at home must remember to do while you are away? It’s okay to leave them a list, but don’t worry if they don’t read it-they will survive quite happily without you. Things may not be done the way they would if you were there, but let it go and remember you are going to have a great time with your sewing friends-who cares what they are doing back home ( as long as the mess is cleaned up before you walk in the door)?
Besides attending classes what else happens at Convention? Well, lots of things happen. In fact it is hard to find time to do the things you want to do (work on the new stitch you just learned; finish your Design Show entry; grab a meal with your friends or even get some sleep). Every day there is something to see or do.
Besides attending classes what else happens at Convention? Well, lots of things happen. In fact it is hard to find time to do the things you want to do (work on the new stitch you just learned; finish your Design Show entry; grab a meal with your friends or even get some sleep). Every day there is something to see or do.
Convention starts officially on Wednesday, but are you taking a pre-day class on Tuesday? If so, you need to be there at least by Monday evening. Even if you are not taking a pre-day class, you may still want to arrive a day (or two) early to get the time to find your way around the hotel; hang out with your friends and generally relax a little before the main event begins.
Tuesday starts with the pre-day classes and lunch for those attending the classes. Many Convention attendees will arrive during the day and what fun it is to see friends that you only get to see once a year. Lots of hellos and hugs-the lobby is never quiet! Hospitality should be open sometime during the day for you to pick up your registration packets (remember no name tag holders this year, so bring your own!). Your registration packet will contain all of your meal tickets (if your name has not been printed on the back, please write it on as these are used for the door prize drawings); your class schedule and onsite Convention brochure. The onsite brochure will have classroom information and locations, as well as details of the events for each day.
A note here from Terry Campbell, Meetings Chair about meals. Terry says that if anyone is vegetarian or has a diet issue (for medical reasons only) like gluten free, allergic to peanuts, diabetic, etc. They should email her at sagameetings@aol.com. Please put "SAGA special diet needs" in the subject line. The sooner Terry knows about this the better. Please don’t leave it until the first luncheon!
Hospitality is also a good place to arrange to meet friends as they arrive, or l
Tuesday also sees the start of meetings and planned events the first of which is the Teachers Angel Meeting starting at 5 PM. Did you check the box on your registration form saying you would like to be a Teachers Angel? (You will have a reminder in your registration package if you have been chosen as angel). If you are a Teachers Angel, and are able to attend the meeting, please do so as you will learn what your duties will be. Teachers Angels are very important as they help with taking class attendance, taking kit fees and giving out the kits as well as running any urgent errands for missing supplies.
The next meeting follows fast on the heels of the Teacher Angel meeting and that is the First Time Attendees Meeting. If this is your first time at a SAGA Convention, then this is the meeting you must not miss. You will be given a brief overview of Convention events and what to expect as well as help on understanding raffle basket etiquette and door prizes. Plus you will get to meet some new friends who are First Timers also.
As if those two meetings were not enough the evening continues with the Welcome Reception. Here you get to meet even more friends old and new as well as the SAGA Board and Committee Chairs and the all important faculty. This is a good time to mingle and socialize.
Welcome reception over and you are free for the rest of the evening before Convention really begins with classes on Wednesday morning. This may be your last chance to get out of the hotel for a meal with your friends, unless of course, you still have to finish your Design Show entry so it is ready to hand in by 8:30 Wednesday morning……..
Note to all!! This is just a small sampling of the fun! Fun times by all!!