Convention started with the two pre-day classes, one with Sue Stewart (a machine class) and the other Regina Walter (handwork). Both classes were hard at work each time I popped in to take photos and although the projects won't be completed, the ladies will have a good grasp of the techniques being taught. It was so good to see lots of familiar faces and also some new ones.

I stopped for a while at the registration desk and saw a few attendees checking in. Karen Van Wert has been hard at work since registration for Convention opened in May taking the bookings and helping people pick the right classes. She was busy checking in the attendees as they arrived and has a smile for everyone. Karen has attended every Convention since they began, so has seen how things have changed over the years. She has many stories and memories to share. Karen has many of the table favours she has received over the years with her for me to photograph, so look out for a special article in
SAGANews sometime soon. Maybe your chapter needs a table favour idea and one of these will inspire you. I am looking forward to see what favours we get this year. I know many chapters have been working hard to make them for us, and I am sure the pearl theme will be ever present.
Today as I visited each classroom in turn to drop off copies of the Convention Times I was greeted by even more friends from previous years which is a great thing. I attended the First Time Attendees meeting last night and there were many 'newbies' present. A lot had driven from areas around Indianapolis and this is why we hold the Conventions in as many areas as possible-it means members have a chance to attend one near to where they live. At the meeting each of the board members gave a short speech about the events at convention and the Region Representatives introduced themselves. Several committee chairs explained their area of SAGA and we hope that they all feel welcome.

The Welcome Reception was fun as everyone enjoyed some Mexican style appetizers and some socializing too. Joan Messinger (who was SAGA Historian for many years) gave a talk about the origins of SAGA and the very first convention in 1979. It was interesting to hear how the organization began and has grown over the years. Amy Schindler the current Historian, had some of the SAGA historical items on display at a table for members to look at. These items are stored in the achieves and were handed with white gloves. Some have their history attached to them, others have none, but they are all fascinating. Amy achieves copies of
SAGANews each year too and the achieves have a copy of every issue of the SAGA newsletters from over the years.
Now back to work taking photos of the Pearls, Purls, Perles contest and Design Show entries as well as classroom shots! Is it lunchtime yet?
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