I just thought I would put some timely reminders and helpful
hints your way in case you are a First Time Attendee or even a returning
attendee. We all need reminders sometimes, right?
Hopefully you have registered for Sewcation, booked your
hotel room and made travel plans? If you are flying then you won’t be able to
find some of the places that our guest bloggers, SAGA Board members, have
suggested, but if you are driving then I hope you have fun on the way!
Now some little reminders to make life easier while you are
at Convention:

1. Name tag holders. You can bring one you
have received from a previous convention or you can make one using the pattern
from Barbara Scappaticci featured on this blog (see the post on May 28 2014).
2. You
might also want to bring a tote bag
to carry everything in or a favourite sewing bag or even a bag on wheels
(especially good for all those supplies you will be buying at market).
3. Wheels
for your sewing machine are a good
thing too- they are heavy to carry from your room to a classroom. If you are
bringing your own machine, please remember to pack the power cord and foot pedal
as well as spare needles and your presser feet as well as your machine manual! Better yet, why not
rent a machine? (See the SAGA web site www.smocking.org
for more information).
4. A
couple of other items that make life easier are a power extension cord and magnification
to use when sewing. Maybe a spare pair of reading glasses if you use them?
5. Bring
address labels for all the raffle
tickets you will buy-this saves so much time not having to write your name on
them all!
6. Talking
of raffle baskets, don’t forget your
chapter basket –it can’t be won if you forget to bring it (or arrange to
have it mailed ahead of time. See SAGANews
Volume 35 #3 for the address to mail it to).
7. Printed name labels to put onto your kits and their contents. Remember, everyone in your class has the same kit that contains the same pattern pieces, instructions etc. as yours. Maybe you just want to label yours so you don't lose anything?
7. Printed name labels to put onto your kits and their contents. Remember, everyone in your class has the same kit that contains the same pattern pieces, instructions etc. as yours. Maybe you just want to label yours so you don't lose anything?
8. Consider
making a folder and having some plastic page protectors in it. You can use
these to keep the class handouts, Artisan
card, small kits, kit fee envelopes and other items you want to keep safe,
but handy.
9. Have
your kit fees in an envelope, one
for each class, labeled with the class name, teachers name and your name. This
helps you as you will not need to receive change or have to use cash from your
purse and also helps the Teachers Angel, as she will have the correct money and
know who it is from. Most teachers accept checks, which you can also have ready
and in your kit fee envelope if you prefer that method to pay for your kits.
10. A
very important item if you are already enrolled in the Artisan Program, is your
Artisan card. Of course you can get
the teacher to sign and date each class handout, but it is far better to have
them sign your actual Artisan card. If you are not in the Artisan Program, you
will have the chance to sign up while you are at Convention and you will find
temporary cards in each classroom to use until you receive your official card.
(For more information on the Artisan Program and to sign up in advance of
attending Convention, please visit the SAGA website www.smocking.org).
as well as any special class supplies required for each class
(check the list at the bottom of this blog)
collected together. You may need to special order
something required, so best not to leave that to
the last minute.
You might also get to buy something you need
on sale if you have made a list ahead of time and
take it with you when visiting a local sewing store
or on-line site. Any money saved is a good thing-more
to spend at Market!
12. Also
especially helpful is to check if any of your classes require some pre-class preparation, like pleating a
piece of fabric with 24 rows and back smocking all of them before class!
13. Don’t
forget your Wee Care™ Contest entry(s)!
The Grand Prize is the silk ribbon embroidered hussif.
14. Also
plan on making a Wee Care™ gown,
cap, bonnet or blanket for donation to the collection at Convention. You get a
special ticket to put into the drawing for the Wee Care™ baskets and only
tickets received for Wee Care™ donations can be entered into that drawing. The
more Wee Care™ donations you make, the more special tickets you receive and the more chances you have to win one of the two special baskets!
15. Don't forget to bring any proxies from your fellow chapter members who are unable to attend Sewcation. You can find the Proxy form on page 17 of SAGANews Volume 35 Issue 2. Copies of this form are acceptable. Please pass these on to Debbi Harris (SAGA secretary) or any SAGA board member before the Annual Meeting on Thursday, September 18.
16. If you are attending with fellow chapter friends, you might want to make a list of the classes you are all taking and swap cell phone numbers to allow you to keep in touch, but remember that cell phones should be turned off in all SAGA Convention classes and meetings!
15. Don't forget to bring any proxies from your fellow chapter members who are unable to attend Sewcation. You can find the Proxy form on page 17 of SAGANews Volume 35 Issue 2. Copies of this form are acceptable. Please pass these on to Debbi Harris (SAGA secretary) or any SAGA board member before the Annual Meeting on Thursday, September 18.
16. If you are attending with fellow chapter friends, you might want to make a list of the classes you are all taking and swap cell phone numbers to allow you to keep in touch, but remember that cell phones should be turned off in all SAGA Convention classes and meetings!
For more information on SAGA Sewcation in Orlando, Florida, see the SAGA website, www.smocking.org
Last, but not least remember we are going to have great time
and you don’t want to miss out!
Sewing Supplies – needed in most classes
fabric, embroidery and paper
head or fine silk pins
line and ultra fine line water soluble marking pens
pencil and sharpener
Tape Measure
sewing thread
Pen for
taking notes
lighting and magnification with extension cord and power strip