Now some little reminders to make life easier while you are at Convention:
1. If you have a name tag from a previous year that you like-bring it with you. or better still make one for yourself (See the free pattern on the SAGA website).
2. Wheels for your sewing machine are a good thing too- they are heavy to carry from your room to a classroom. If you are bringing your own machine, please remember to pack the power cord and foot pedal as well as spare needles your presser feet! Better yet, why not rent a machine? (See the SAGA web site for more information).
3. A couple of other items that make life easier are a power extension cord and magnification to use when sewing. Maybe a spare pair of reading glasses if you use them?
5. Talking of raffle baskets, don’t forget your chapter basket –it can’t be won if you forget to bring it (or arrange to have it mailed ahead of time. See the Convention brochure in SAGANews Volume 32 #1 for the address to mail it to).
6. Consider making a folder and having some plastic page protectors in it. You can use these to keep the class handouts, Artisan card,small kits, kit fee envelopes and other items you want to keep safe, but handy.
7. Have your kit fees in an envelope, one for each class, labeled with the class name, teachers name and your name. This helps you as you will not need to receive change or have to use cash from your purse and also helps the Teachers Angel, as she will have the correct money and know who it is from. Most teachers accept checks, which you can also have ready and in your kit fee envelope if you prefer that method to pay for your kits.
8. A very important item if you are already enrolled in the Artisan Program, is your Artisan card. Of course you can get the teacher to sign and date each class handout, but it is far better to have them sign your actual Artisan card. If you are not in the Artisan Program, you will have the chance to sign up while you are at Convention and you will find temporary cards in each classroom to use until you receive your official card. (For more information on the Artisan Program and to sign up in advance of attending Convention, please visit the SAGA website
9. Make sure you have your Basic Sewing Supplies as well as any special class supplies required for each class (check the Convention Brochure) collected together. You may need to special order something required, so best not to leave to until the last minute. You might also get to buy something you need on sale if you have made a list ahead of time and take it with you when visiting a local sewing store or on-line site. Any money saved is a good thing-more to spend at Market!
10. Also especially helpful is to check if any of your classes require some pre-class preparation, like pleating a piece of fabric with 24 rows and back smocking all of them before class!
11. Your finished Design Show and/or Wee Care contest entry. Wouldn't want to think you completed these items and then they were left at home. (You can mail these in also, again see the Convention brochure).
12. Plan on making a Wee Care gown, cap, bonnet or blanket for donation to the collection at Convention. You get a special ticket to put into the drawing for the Wee Care basket and only tickets received for Wee Care donations can be entered into that drawing. The more Wee Care donations you make, the more special tickets you receive (which can also be used in the regular raffle baskets if you wish).
Lastly, check your flight arrangements and make a shuttle reservation and double check your hotel booking, plan your clothes and get ready for the fun of another great SAGA convention!
See you in California soon!