Well, SAGANews Volume 32 #3 should be going in the mail any day now. I can't believe this is my 28th issue of the magazine. Time flies when you are having fun!
This is the last issue before the National Convention so maybe a good time to say that if you are going to Anaheim this year, maybe you should check back over the posts in this Blog and read some of them about attending a SAGA Convention as they contain some good reminders about what to take etc. especially for the first timers (although I have been told the information is good for everyone attending!). Scroll down through the posts in 2009 and you will also find out what happens each day at Convention so willl know what to look forward to.
I hope to see some of you at Convetion and hope to meet some new attendees as well as some old friends. There are less than 10 weeks to go now-better think about booking the flight!