Don’t start stalking the mail person just yet, but yes, another issue of SAGANews is almost ready to be printed and this issue, being the first of the year, will contain the 2011 Convention Brochure.
So, start to think about saving your money and planning a trip to Anaheim, California-what could be better than a little California fun in the sun? (I could use some southern California weather right now as I have not seen my garden since December 26 and doubt I will much before spring).
Besides the Convention brochure, SAGANews has a cheeky picture smocking project and a new feature to keep you healthy and happy while smocking and sewing. You can also catch up on other chapters around the country and see what everyone has been up to. There is also a great article on the SAGA Design Show. It’s never too early to start planning that entry so the 2011 Design Show is the best one ever!
Has your chapter planned an event for National Smocking Month?
There’s still time as it is only just the first day of the month.